Over The Edge Archive – Thanksgiving Leftovers

Over The Edge – Thanksgiving Leftovers
25 November 1999

With various leftover tapes that never finished playing out on recent OTEs and two other Neglanders on board, this is a show with no plan at all. But it’s very good anyway with the Weatherman walking around the streets of Berkeley in the wee hours transmiting to us on his new Cherokee FR460 Family Radio, a coincidental appearance by “family radio” religious celebrity, Harold Camping, who does a lengthy stint taking calls concerning Bible misconceptions, People Like Us from a Thanksgivingless England on one of our Receptacle lines for most of the night, lots of bees, some Weatherman holiday family tapes from 1983, the latest club soda break, and anglo american group singing to end it all. Lots of leftover fun.
Run time 3h:0m:32s
In constant memory of Don Joyce.  https://archive.org/details/ote