Update (2018) :
The soundtrack is now available for sale as a digital download:

citation city banner

Citation City is a 42 minute audiovisual performance work which sources, collages and edits 300 major feature films where content is either filmed or set in London – creating a story within a story, of the film world, living its life, through extraordinary times of change, to see what happens when these multiple narratives are combined… what will the story tell us that one story alone could never tell?

“The result is a sweeping panorama of London, a London as represented through cinema – not the real city at all, but one that exists in the collective imagination of moviegoers throughout the decades.” Filmmaker Magazine

Please note: this is now retired.  However, we occasionally make edits available as stand-alone movies for cinema screening.

A time-travelling voyage through one city, assembled from hundreds of movie clips and inspired by the wanderings of Walter Benjamin. A patchwork of over 300 features either filmed or set in London, Citation City combines multiple narratives to create the story of one city in a period of enormous change. Pieced together by audiovisual artist Vicki Bennett (aka People Like Us), this beguiling, labyrinthine work takes its cue from Benjamin’s Arcades Project, an ambitious attempt to map out Paris in fragments which was cut short by the author’s death in 1940. Flatpack Film Festival

Interview with Kenneth Goldsmith in Found Footage magazine about Citation City
Interview with Peter Jaeger in filling Station Issue 63 featuring Citation City

Inspired by The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin, this audiovisual performance work by People Like Us is created from 1000s of clippings of text and visual media, collaged using a system of “convolutes”, collated around subjects of key motifs, historical figures, social types, cultural objects from the time. By gathering and assembling such groups of similar yet unrelated, he revealed a hidden, magical encyclopaedia of affinities, a massive and labyrinthine architecture of a collective dream city. On reading Benjamin, his approach to editing astonished Vicki Bennett, and the similarity of their creative processes of cutting and collating extensive lists of subject matter by context.

As a side project, Vicki also invited selected sound artists to create distinct soundtracks to the work in order to produce two new films.

9 December 2014 Cafe Oto preview
29 January 2015 World Premiere at transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
28 March 2015 UK Premiere at Flatpack Film Festival, Birmingham, as part of a larger WFMU and Walter Benjamin-themed programme
17 April 2015 Parede, Portugal
18 September 2015 Bristol Encounters Short Film Festival
26 September 2015 Whitechapel Gallery at Walter Benjamin Now Symposium (at 5pm), London
15 October 2015 Leeds Art Gallery (private screening for students only)
24 October 2015 Monty Hall, WFMU
28 October 2015 Red Room, Baltimore
21 November 2015 Brighton Cinecity Festival
12 April 2016 Sonic Protest Festival, Paris
7 May 2016 Delco Festival, Nimes
23 November 2016 Dundee Contemporary Arts
March 2017 Hull UK City of Culture/ReROOTed
Citation City is now retired. However we now make it available for movie screenings.
October 2017
Other Cinema, San Francisco (20-minute stand alone movie edit)
December 2019 Dare Conference, Ghent (screening)

Vicki’s working process

A portion of Citation City previewed at London’s Cafe Oto on 9 December 2014 then World Premiered in full at transmediale, Berlin on 29 January 2015.  It’s UK Premiere was at Flatpack Film Festival on 28 March 2015, and London Premiere at Whitechapel Gallery on 26 September 2015 as part of the Walter Benjamin Now Symposium.

Citation City notes on the carpet
Vicki’s working process

Citation City education/teaching pack
PDF download: citation city teaching pack
We thought it may be useful to make a document explaining the process of making this work. This pdf is intended as a companion to the audiovisual work, giving examples of the process one might undertake to create new work when sourcing from a large media database. This particular example relates to moving image and musical composition, but the methods can translate to other platforms that use composition, directing, editing, creative narratives and story telling.

SELECTION: Layout in paper form of descriptions of selected film content and possible subject headings (convolutes/citations) – August 2014

Press and articles:
Interview in Filmmaker Magazine (January 2015)
InEnArt Magazine (January 2015)

Vicki’s working process
The first stage after selecting footage is to type out descriptions of hundreds of segments then cut them out, and make arrangements of subjects, content, "convolutes"
The first stage after selecting footage is to type out descriptions of hundreds of segments then cut them out, and make arrangements of subjects, content, “convolutes”
Citation City
Vicki’s working process

Vicki Bennett/People Like Us
Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, and is recognised as an influential and pioneering figure in the still growing area of sampling, appropriation and cutting up of found footage and archives.  Working under the name People Like Us, Vicki specialises in the manipulation and reworking of original sources from both the experimental and popular worlds of music, film and radio. People Like Us believe in open access to archives for creative use. In 2006 she was the first artist to be given unrestricted access to the entire BBC Archive. People Like Us have previously shown work at Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, The Barbican, Centro de Cultura Digital, V&A, Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, Pompidou Centre, Venice Biennale, Maxxi and Sonar, and performed radio sessions for John Peel and Mixing It. The ongoing sound art radio show ‘DO or DIY’ on WFMU has had over a million “listen again” downloads. since 2003. The People Like Us back catalogue is available for free download hosted by UbuWeb.
Longer Biography
Exhibitions and Editions
Selected Performances and Screenings
Commissions and Awards

Press Image
Continue reading “CITATION CITY”


“Don’t Think Right, It’s All Twice” by People Like Us
Release date: 31 October 2013 (preorder 7 October)
Cutting Hedge SNIP001 (available initially mailorder only from us)


It’s always felt important that my work be a total experience, not singularly appealing to either the eye or ear, for it to be as integrated an experience as possible.  The music on this album was composed between 2006 and 2013 initially for five different live performances of moving image and sound.  Since publishing formats have developed in recent years we’ve found the internet serves us really well as a distribution tool in the gift economy.  One can find the accompanying visual elements of some of this music at  However, as well as the eye and ear is the sense of touch, and there is nothing like holding the object as well!  — Vicki Bennett

Performances sources:
Lyrics in Libraries (2006) | Genre Collage (2009) | People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz Live at Cafe Oto (2009) | The Magical Misery Tour (2011) | Consequences (One Thing Leads To Another) (2013)

We are dedicated to providing as much as possible for free or as cheaply as possible and strong encourage others to invest in the gift economy.  We realise this is a couple more dollars than we’re usually charging but we are financing this ourselves and need to recoup costs.  It is unlikely we will profit from this but we do need to make ends meet!  We hope you understand, and continue to appreciate how much we continue to also give much for free 🙂


Don't Think Right COVER300dpi
CD Cover, 300dpi

Video trailers from three of the live performances:

Limited Edition 8 inch single

Update (26 Dec): This item is now deleted.  Copies ordered just before the deadline will be posted in the next week, and earlier copies have already been mailed out.


We are pleased to announce a new 8-inch lathe-cut square picture disc on Hasenbart’s series of limited lathe cut Christmas singles. The previously unreleased “Dreaming” collages and edits several versions of a well known Christmas tune (originally dubbed over selected horror film samples) which formed part of the live performance “The Magical Misery Tour”.

 Making of 8 inch

The record is a 1-sided 8″ square picture disc with artwork by Vicki Bennett (full colour printing on both sides, stamped on the back, audio on one side). It will only be produced until DECEMBER 24 2014 and then deleted forever. 

All copies will be cut individually on Hasenbart’s vintage 1940’s Presto 6N lathe cut machine on laminated cardboard so they are not as thick as regular vinyl records – the unique format has been exclusively designed by Hasenbart and resembles an oversized postcard record. PLEASE NOTE: Obviously the sound quality will not match a modern vinyl cut but the music has been specifically selected for this release and the sound of the machine (with all its quirks) is an essential part of the record.

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Recording of Off The Page 2012 – Collateral Damage


Vicki Bennett, Chris Cutler, Scanner, Blackest Ever Black label head Kiran Sande and The Wire‘s Tony Herrington discuss the impact of digital technology on music making and consumption.

Download or listen here 1:07:36
Vicki Bennett’s Essay in The Wire

In recent years, the internet and a raft of new technologies have transformed the ways in which we produce, perceive and consume music. And as the reality of music’s new digital economy starts to bite, musicians and labels are having to rethink both philosophy and practice, addressing the issue of how they create and disseminate work – while some decry the free movement of music across file sharing networks and the collapse of traditional record industry models, others look to exploit the new possibilities offered by crowd sourcing and social networking.For this panel discussion chaired by The Wire‘s Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Tony Herrington, Vicki Bennett (People Like Us), Chris Cutler (ReR Records), Robin Rimbaud (Scanner) and Kiran Sande (FACT, Blackest Ever Black) discussed possible responses to the challenges posed by music’s changing eco-system.

The Wire and Sound And Music‘s Off The Page festival took place 24–26 February at The Playhouse Theatre in Whitstable.

The Wire article and audio file

Citation City preview at Cafe Oto

cafe oto

The audiovisual work Citation City, which we have been creating for the whole of this year, will be previewed at London’s Cafe Oto on Tuesday 9 December 2014.  This will be a work-in-progress performance – to give you a taster of what will be World Premiered at transmediale 2015 in January.  We’re very pleased to be sharing the evening with Jennifer Walshe, Sharon Gal & Andie Brown. We recommend buying tickets in advance due to venue size, guestlists are at a bare minimum.


Collage for Oto fb event