Video of JD Zazie, Charlotte Hug, Jenny Gräf, Stewart Mostofsky, Vicki Bennett at High Zero

High Zero Festival of Improvised Experimental Music
The Theatre Project, Baltimore 19 Sept 2014
JD Zazie
(turntables, CDJ, mixer, found sounds) | Charlotte Hug (viola, voice) | Jenny Gräf (electronics, guitar) | Stewart Mostofsky (electronics) | Vicki Bennett (sample collage) | Compere M.C. Schmidt

JD Zazie, Charlotte Hug, Jenny Gräf, Stewart Mostofsky, Vicki Bennett at High Zero

Audio mixdown from multitrack desk recording by Vicki Bennett
Filming (apart from the middle section) by Peter Knight

Video of John Kilduff, Vicki Bennett & Bob Wagner at High Zero

High Zero Festival of Improvised Experimental Music
The Theatre Project, Baltimore 19 Sept 2014

John Kilduff (multitasking, live art) | Vicki Bennett (sample collage) | Bob Wagner (percussion, friction) | Compere M.C. Schmidt

John Kilduff, Vicki Bennett & Bob Wagner at High Zero

Includes the auction of the painting and winner Dan Deacon!
Audio mixdown from multitrack desk recording by Vicki Bennett
Filming (apart from the middle section) by Peter Knight

High Zero Festival Baltimore full concerts

Stop press: here are films documenting the full performances at High Zero:

People Like Us at High Zero Festival in Baltimore on 19 and 20 September, 2014

Friday 19 September is a night of improvisation, in which People Like Us performs two sets with other improvisers, the first time Vicki has done improvisation of this type in more than 10 years.
Doors open 7.30pm, performances begin at 8.30pm

Group One:
Jack Wright (saxophone)
Dafne Vicente-Sandoval (bassoon)
Paul Neidhardt (percussion, friction)
M.C. Schmidt (store-bought electronics)
Charles Dube (electronics)
Group Two:
John Kilduff (multitasking, live art)
Vicki Bennett (found footage sample collage)
Bob Wagner (percussion, friction)
Group Three:
LaDonna Smith (violin)
Paul Neidhardt (percussion, friction)
Harry Walker (electric bass)
Michael Fischer (saxophone)
Group Four:
JD Zazie (turntables, CDJ, mixer, found sounds)
Charlotte Hug (viola, voice)
Jenny Gräf (electronics, guitar)
Stewart Mostofsky (electronics)
Vicki Bennett (found footage sample collage)

Notations at the Saturday Matinee, on 20 September 2014 at The Theatre Project, 45 W Preston St, Baltimore.
Doors open Noon, performances at 1pm. 
This time around, the performers to this live score are:
Bob Wagner (drums)
LaDonna Smith (violin)
Jenny Gräf (electronics, guitar)
“Notations” is a film by Vicki Bennett for live performance by improvising musicians and artists.  It has been created using collected and edited found footage from hundreds of different films, where the content conceptually or literally portrays different kinds of ‘instructions’ and content that can then be interpreted by musicians and artists with unique audio accompaniments.  Notations contains edits of the movies and sounds from the source films, separated into ‘sketches’ or stories that segue into one another, and it exists with a list of instructions (score) on how artist(s) working with this choose to work with these particular elements.

People Like Us, M.C.Schmidt & Jason Willett Live at WFMU

People Like Us, M.C.Schmidt (Matmos) and Jason Willett will perform at WFMU‘s own performance space at Monty Hall, New Jersey on 13 Sept 2014 at 8pm.  Tickets must be bought in advance to ensure entry: – there should be some tickets on the door but you have been warned since they are selling well and it’s a small venue.

We’ve not decided the order of the evening but it will include People Like Us with Consequences (One Thing Leads To Another), and then a joint improv performance by all three artists to Notations.
