Jean Baudrillard Le Xerox et l’Infini – free download

These recordings were originally available on cassette on Tapeworm, but now that it is deleted we are making it available here for free.

Download at UbuWeb

Jean Baudrillard’s “Le Xerox et l’Infini” – originally published in Paris, 1987 – as read by Patricia and Ellen. Recorded on 12 July 2009 by Vicki Bennett in Hersham, England.
Translation: Agitac, London, November 1988.
The original text in French can be read here.

“Jean Baudrillard is perhaps the most important theorist of the ‘after modern’. Though he says himself he has ‘nothing to do with postmodernism’, many interpret him (along with Jean-François Lyotard) as among the most important prophets of a truly postmodern era. His works have attracted high praise and derision all over the world.”

Prints of Darkness travels to Dundee

We are pleased to present Prints of Darkness at Matthew Gallery at DJCAD and
look forward to seeing you for a drink and chat at the preview on the 12th
November if you can make it.

Matthew Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, 13 Perth
Road, Dundee.

More information on our print and record in the exhibition Prints of Darkness

PREVIEW/// 12 November, 5-7pm
EXHIBITION/// 13 November ­ 11 December
Andrew Cranston, Tommy Crooks, Malcy Duff, Duncan Marquiss, Lee O¹Connor, Christopher Orr, People Like Us, Norman Shaw, Edward Summerton, The Lonely Piper, Andy Wake, Mark Wallace.

This touring exhibition, which originated at Edinburgh Printmakers, celebrates the vinyl record as an abiding audio-visual artifact and recalls the golden age of the record cover in the thick of the post-psychedelic, goth-surrealistic, Art Nouveau, apocalyptic landscape explosion, now being revived in a current resurgence of collectable limited edition records with original artwork.

Generator, the Dundee’s artist-led space, also has an exhibition preview
that night (7-9pm) which you could catch if you are in town: ‘BE THE HAMMER
OR THE ANVIL’, Rachel Adams, Solveig Einarsdottir, Mairi Lafferty, Rose