We’ve moved as much of our shop as we can over to bandcamp – which not only sells digital but also merchandise (CDs, records, cassettes). The link below is still managed by us as well as any necessary visits to the post office, it’s just a lot easier to use than going through our website, and gets us more random traffic too 🙂 https://peoplelikeus-vickibennett.bandcamp.com/
The Mirror in The Wire magazine
The Mirror LP is reviewed in The Wire: Adventures In Modern Music‘s latest issue.
‘”With The Mirror Bennett has proven herself an alchemist of popular music, able to push her source material into fresh and engaging places.”

We Edit Life featured in Sensations of History publication
We get a good sized chunk of the final chapter of this new book by James J Hodge titled Sensations of History: Animation and New Media Art on University of Minnesota Press. Get your copy now.