John Cage at BBC Proms

Prom 47: Cage Centenary Celebration
7.45pm, 17 August, Royal Albert Hall, London

To mark the centenary of John Cage’s birth, Ilan Volkov has curated a programme that reflects the composer’s iconoclastic thinking, fertile imagination and arresting humour.
John Tilbury, who has for decades been associated with Cage’s work tonight plays the exquisitely beautiful Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra. Cassette players and plucked cactuses are just two examples of the blindingly original yet almost naively simple thinking that saw Cage – wittingly or otherwise – upturn practically every musical rule in the book.

The following pieces will be performed over the course of the evening, and Vicki Bennett will be one of eight participants performing “Improvisation III” and “Branches”.

Cage – 1O1 (12 mins)
Cage – Improvisation III (12 mins)
Christian Marclay – Luggage 2012 – improvisation for orchestra (c5 mins)
Cage – Atlas eclipticalis/Winter Music/Cartridge Music (30 mins)
Cage – Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra (20 mins)
Cage – Four2 (7 mins)
Cage – But what about the noise of crumpling paper … (15 mins)
Cage – Experiences II (3 mins)
Cage – ear for EAR (Antiphonies) (2 mins)
David Behrman, Takehisa Kosugi, Keith Rowe & Christian Wolff – Quartet – improvisation (c25 mins)
Cage – Branches (20 mins)

More information here:

Sounds Like Silence at HMKV

Cage – 4’33” – Silence
1912 – 1952 to 2012

08/25/2012 – 01/06/2013
Exhibition | Dortmunder U

Sounds Like Silence 87

Two works by Vicki Bennett will be included in the exhibition “Sounds Like Silence” at HMKV.

Sounds like Silence (Cage – 4’33” – Silence / 1912 – 1952 – 2012)

On the occasion of John Cage’s 100th anniversary and the 60th anniversary of the premiere of his famous “silent piece” HMKV shows 35 contemporary references to 4’33” from the fields of art and music as well as works that deal with general questions of e.g. perception of silence or sound ecology. The exhibition runs in parallel to Documenta 13 in Kassel.

Sounds Like Silence

Download the pdf of the press release


Sounds Like Silence 01Sounds Like Silence 11Sounds Like Silence 43Sounds Like Silence 33

Critical Conversation Series

Paul Hamlyn Foundation, ArtWorks NorthEast: Developing Practice in Participatory Settings
Critical Conversation Series

Venue: Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Date: 8th August 2012 7:00 to 9:00pm
Hosts: The Pixel Palace
Chair: Dominic Smith
Speaker: Vicki Bennett

Background Cultural organisations in the North East of England have a strong record of working with artists to develop participatory arts projects in different settings. As part of a national arts research project funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and designed to facilitate new dialogues around and understandings of participatory arts practice, the University of Sunderland is working with a consortium of regional partners (ArtWorks North East)* to develop a clearer understanding of what makes for good participatory practice. The overarching aim is to establish an innovative and sustainable cross disciplinary approach to creating excellent practice in participatory leadership.

Critical conversations: dialogues around the practice of arts in participatory settings
As part of this, ArtWorks North East is together hosting a series of ‘critical conversations’ over the next 12 months involving artists, participants, host groups and other collaborators from a variety of art forms. We are inviting different people responsible for creating and delivering participatory work to reflect on their practice, and to open that practice up to discussion by others. Each conversation will take place in an open learning atmosphere in which artists/presenters will share their practice with others and where people feel able to ask challenging questions about that practice in appropriate ways.
The Pixel Palace is delivering one of these events on behalf of the University of Sunderland. This event will focus on Participation in Creative Digital Media and online environments. We would like to discuss the different models of practice which exist and seek your views on issues of quality, process and experience. We hope that the opportunity to reflect on practice will be beneficial for those attending as well as informing this research project.

To book a place please email