It has occurred to us how nice films look when viewed on an iPod Touch or iPhone, especially of course ours! So we have made all the People Like Us films we can find (nearly 2.5 hours worth) into files that will fit onto that lovely little screen, and zipped them up, ready for you to purchase through Paypal at an extremely reasonable price.
Firstly make the purchase by Paypal, and then we will email you a weblink to two zipped folders, which you can download. Please note, the total size of these combined zips are 487MB, and once unzipped they contain multiple small mp4s, the right size for your iPod/iPhone. ONLY make the purchase if you have access to broadband! We cannot provide these files individually.
Once your iPod or iPhone is connected to your computer and iTunes is open, all you need to do is drag the films into the relevant iTunes folder, in the same way you would add any other media from within your computer.
Here is the list of films contained within:

Buy here!