Archive material plays a central role within the work of artists Vicki Bennett and susan pui san lok, who both present film installations as part of the group exhibition Hit The Ground exhibition at the Hatton Gallery as part of this year’s Great North Run Cultural Programme.
Rebecca Shatwell, Director of AV Festival, will chair this talk at Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle with Vicki and susan as they discuss their latest works. Come along to find out more about how they have engaged with visual archives as part of their practices and receive a complimentary glass of wine.
This event also marks the launch of a new publication celebrating lok’s work Faster, Higher, published by Film and Video Umbrella, which features extensive visual documentation of this major multi-screen installation, alongside specially commissioned essays from critics Adrian Rifkin and Chris Berry.
People Like Us have been working on a brand new live set entitled “Genre:Collage”, which will be given a world premiere at Vancouver New Music Festival 2009. Other dates are being lines up for Genre:Collage in these coming weeks, including WFMU Record Fair in October (which will be free once in the fair), BFI Southbank in London, and also Linz, Austria – both in December 2009.
A festival of sonic collagism, and the art of sampled and repurposed sounds and images.
21 – 24 October 2009
Show starts 8pm each night
Free Artist Chats at 7pm each night
Negative Landscapes: free symposium on 24 October 2009, 2:30pm
Scotiabank Dance Centre
677 Davie Street
Tickets $20 regular, $15 students/seniors each night; available at Zulu Records (1972 West 4th Avenue), Scratch Records (726 Richards Street), through Tickets Tonight (; 604.684.2787; surcharges apply) and at the door.
Passes for all four nights $60 and $40, available only through Vancouver New Music (604.633.0861) and at the door.
Wednesday 21 October 2009
Andrew O’Connor and Doug Horne
Jackson 2bears
John Oswald
Thursday 22 October 2009
Eric Hedekar
DJ Tapes
Chris Cutler
People Like Us
Friday 23 October 2009
David Shea
Saturday 24 October 2009
Mark Hosler
Uri Caine
plus free symposium
A new large scale AV work by Vicki Bennett entitled “Parade” will be exhibited at Hit The Ground at the Hatton Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. There will also be two photographic montages by Vicki Bennett exhibited as part of the exhibition.
While viewing and sourcing content from the Great North Run film archive, it occurred to me that the huge crowds that come to spectate this event are as important as the participator.
I arranged film frame layers across the screen so that they strayed outwards in the direction of the natural panning of the original shots – much more in accordance with the natural gaze of the spectator, revealing a unique panoramic view of the content. The irregular angles and shifting perspectives bring to mind Cubist photomontage and Cubist/Vorticist painting/collage, with the added dimension of the moving image naturally taking this to another level.
Given that this is a celebration of human achievement, and as a nod of appreciation to the Cubist influence within this work, it seemed appropriate to use “Parade” by Erik Satie as the musical backdrop.
Parade has been screened at: March 2011 – Ambulante Festival, Mexico July-Oct 2010 – In The Long Run: 30 Years of Great Running – Great North Museum: Hancock, UK September–November 2009 – Hatton Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK Hatton Gallery 16 September – 14 November 2009, 10am – 5pm (Sun 2pm – 5pm)
The Hatton Gallery is based within the grounds of Newcastle University. The nearest Metro station is Haymarket. The Hatton Gallery, The Quadrangle, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. NE1 1RU Telephone 0191 222 6059 Click here for a map of the Hatton Gallery. Part of The Bupa Great North Run Cultural Programme.
Background on the project – commission announcement from 2008:
To celebrate the silver anniversary of the BUPA Great North Run in 2005, the Great North Run Cultural Programme was established, which featured the film broken time by Jane and Louise Wilson. As part of the legacy of this film and part of an ongoing commitment to exploring the relationship between sport and art through, an annual award – Great North Run Moving Image Commission – was born.
Supported by Arts Council England, this major commission awards an experienced artist or film-maker £30,000 to create a new work which responds to and captures the spirit of one of the world’s top sporting events and we’re delighted to be able to announce the winner of Moving Image Commission for 2009 is British Artist Vicki Bennett. Vicki will be working with archive footage of the Bupa Great North Run to create a new vision of the landscape and the route of the world’s largest half-marathon to be screened as part of the 2009 Bupa Great North Run Cultural Programme.
People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz will be playing a joint set at Cafe Oto in Dalston, London on Saturday 1st August.
Doors open 8pm, Tickets £7 – which we recommend you buy in advance now since Cafe Oto is popular!
Cafe Oto site programme/tickets
The live performance will combine material from the last four People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz releases. Vicki & Ergo perform a set that crosses sampling with the English nonsense tradition, traditional composition with electronic music, and contemporary approaches to sound with melodic and textural fragments of orchestral music. The sound of the two artists collaborating has often been compared to circus or carnival music, and stands as a separate and distinct entity to the two artists individual work. It is perhaps best described as “woozy dream circus”.
There will be two 25 minute sets preceded by a number of short films by the artists, starting shortly after 8pm.
We are very pleased to announce that DO or DIY with People Like Us will return to the radio waves and internet tubes every Wednesday evening starting June 24th, right through the summer to October 7th inclusive, bringing you All Things Avant Retard.
The show will be on after the fantastic “Seven Second Delay” (with Ken and Andy) – between 7pm and 8pm NY time. That is midnight Wednesday evening in the UK.
Generally we do a live playlist and enable live commenting so do watch as well as listen if it’s not too much of a distraction from the beeauutiful music. If you live in NY/NJ you can listen on the radio at 91.1fm in New York and 90.1fm in the Hudson Valley. If you’re on the internet then listen anywhere by clicking on Live Audio Stream links at the top of
For those of you unfamiliar with People Like Us’ radio show, or indeed if you just fancy another listen, move your mouse over to the DO or DIY archives at WFMU.
We’ve also made a number of “Best of” compilations available since 2003, including these two from 2008. DOwnloadable DO or DIY 1 DOwnloadable DO or DIY 2