Citation City UK Premiere at Flatpack Film Festival

CITATION CITY UK Premieres at Flatpack Film Festival in Birmingham.
28 March 11-12.30am: Arcades walk with Esther Leslie (city centre)
28 March 3-4.45pm: Citation City UK Premiere + Esther Leslie talk (Flatpack Palais at the Bond, Digbeth)

Tickets £8.00 | £6.00
Venue Flatpack Palais @ The Bond, 180-182 Fazeley St. , Birmingham, B5 5SE
+ Google Map Website:

A time-travelling voyage through one city, assembled from hundreds of movie clips and inspired by the wanderings of Walter Benjamin.A patchwork of over 300 features either filmed or set in London, Citation City combines multiple narratives to create the story of one city in a period of enormous change. Pieced together by audiovisual artist Vicki Bennett (aka People Like Us), this beguiling, labyrinthine work takes its cue from Benjamin’s Arcades Project, an ambitious attempt to map out Paris in fragments which was cut short by the author’s death in 1940.

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