DO or DIY Special: Gwilly Edmondez

Monday, July 17th, 6pm – 7pm EST
on DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU

Gwilly Edmondez is all over the place yet usually in the wrong place at the right time. As an improvisor and recording artist he tries to play as often as possible with anyone who’s game, or solo if no one is about. What he uses mostly is his voice, but is always searching for things to go with it, like samples, tapes and beats. Anything could happen, which is why Gwilly prefers to act at the very fringes of proper. He has collaborated with all sorts of people but his primary non-solo projects at the moment are YEAH YOU (with Elvin Brandhi), Kleevex (with Faye MacCalman) and Impossibility Knox (with Odie Ji Ghast and sometimes THF Drenching).


Over The Edge on DO or DIY on WFMU

Over The Edge
DO or DIY with People Like Us – Monday, 19 June 2017 – 6pm
From 1981 to 2015, Negativland‘s Don Joyce hosted Over The Edge, the longest running block of freeform live mix collage radio in broadcast history — a program which continues today, having been inherited by long time show participant and collaborator Jon Leidecker. In this very Wobbly interview, Vicki and Jon discuss the history of collage radio, and the slow evolution of the Edge, as well as its many possible futures, both True and False. |

Final DO or DIY of the 2016 Season & Free Download!

From the final DO or DIY with People Like Us of the 2016 season on WFMU, keeping with a tradition we’ve been doing a “Best Of” show, here’s a release version of a megamix (minus mic breaks!) called MEDDLE MIX, downloadable from the bandcamp:


Interview on Soundproof, ABC Radio National

Recently did a great radio interview with ABC Radio National‘s Miyuki Jokiranta on the program Soundproof – it broadcast earlier today in Australia and is now online here.
Broadcast Friday 8 July 2016 9:05PM

Radio Yaks: A Soundproof series in which eminent producers and sonic luminaries from around the world share audio they’re crazy about, and tell us why.

Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, and is a pioneer in the area of sampling, appropriation and cutting up of found footage and archives.

For her Radio Yak, she chooses a palate of music, film and radio that start out familiar but end up somewhere… strange.

Vicki’s playlist:
Dalek Relaxation Tape
Dave Soldier and Komar and Melamid — The People’s Choice Music: The Most Unwanted Song
Dondero High School — Satellite of Love
Stephan Dillemuth — Urban Folkdance, New landscapes, Yesterday’s Cloud and Some of Your Favourite Birdsongs
Christo Graham — Heaven on their Minds, Muppet Christ Superstar
People Like Us — Who’s Watching Who, Citation City
Adam Bohman — At Home (White Sauce Without for Those Who Don’t)

OPTIMIZED! Expanded Radio Stream on WFMU!

OPTIMIZED! Expanded Radio Stream on WFMU 6-10 June 2016, Noon-3pm (EST)
Playlists & archives:

From 6-10 June 2016 Vicki Bennett and John Kilduff were Artists in Residence at freeform radio station WFMU in Jersey City, NJ, USA.

NEW! Documentation Video:

This residency consisted of “Optimized!” – a week-long online a/v radio station which experimented with ideas of what radio might be in the world of high speed internet broadcasting.

The content included 26 new a/v artist commissions selected and programmed by Vicki Bennett, where people were invited to respond to the word “optimized”, John Kilduff’s live “Let’s Paint TV” daily video show which combines, painting, cooking and exercise, and an evening at the station with an in-house studio audience.

John Kilduff and Vicki Bennett Artist Residency – Expanded Radio at WFMU

Noon-2pm: 10 hours of new/exclusive recordings, radio & video by 26 participants. Programmed by Vicki Bennett / People Like Us
2pm-3pm: Daily video shows live from WFMU’s Monty Hall by John Kilduff / Let’s Paint TV – Mr Let’s Paint will take your calls! skype: letspaintwfmu
3pm-5pm: repeat of noon-2pm schedule
9 June 2016: A live expanded radio event at Monty Hall with Let’s Paint TV & People Like Us / DIFM (Do It For Me) with Pseu Braun

Pseu Braun DIFM (Do It For Me) at Monty Hall

Continue reading “OPTIMIZED! Expanded Radio Stream on WFMU!”

WFMU Marathon 2016


Thanks!  We made it!!! – 24 March


The annual WFMU fundraising marathon is now on!  This is the time when you can pledge money to the radio station and get swag and prizes in return.  Everyone works very hard at the station to bring you interesting eclectic audio that it is hard to hear elsewhere, and the shows are archived 24/7 too, there are 13 years of People Like Us radio shows so far!

Click here to make a pledge or call 800-989-9368 if you’re in the US.

Radio Premiere on WDR: No One Is An Island by Vicki Bennett

WDR 3 Open Sounds presents : No One Is An Island by Vicki Bennett
Vicki Bennett was commissioned by WDR (German Radio) to make a 28-minute radio work called No One Is An Island.  This will premiere, alongside 3 other separate commissions (Iain Chambers, Ergo Phizmiz and Lucinda Guy) on
Saturday, April 9, 2016, 22:05 to 00:00 (Mainland Europe – that’s 21:05 UK time).
Background info

Update: this piece is also online at UbuWeb!

Thanks to the following for taking their time to give me their thoughts about ideas:
Ergo Phizmiz, Ava, Savanna,  Rowen, Mathilde, Lila, Andrew Sharpley, Cameron, Katja Seltmann, Rick Prelinger, Iain Chambers, Jeff Carey and Falco, Graham Duff, Kenneth Goldsmith, Charlie Lewis, Henry Lowengard, Tim Maloney, Kevin Hamilton, Akāshamitra, Dorian Jones and Lenny, Marcus Boon and Jesse, Saraka, Suddhaka and Sunayaka.

No One Is An Island
Where do ideas come from? Are they our own or are we channeling some spark from a larger flame? In this programme we examine the relationship between artists, writers, scientists and philosophers and the receiving, possession and transmission of ideas.
Culture is a complex process of sharing and signification. Meanings are exchanged, adopted, and adapted through acts of communication. The tools we use – the photocopier, camera, computer, encourage, in fact insist upon the act of cutting, copying and pasting – it is second nature. Through mimicry and repetition we learn.

Radio V&A at Victoria & Albert Museum and Resonance FM

V&A presents Friday Late : Radio V&A
Friday 26th February, 6.30-10pm FREE
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Radio V&A broadcast live on Resonance – on 104.4FM and on DAB in central London. 

Update: listen here:

The Sound of Silence by Vicki Bennett (People Like Us)
Transmitting from speakers within the bookshelves of the National Art Library
The library encourages silence, yet it is full of words.  The broadcast medium is similar – it is all around us yet we have to tune in to actually hear it.
The radio show fishes from the wide spectrum picked up when using a radio receiver, from outer space to our inner world.
There really is no such thing as silence.  Only when we begin to be quiet do we really start to hear what is going on.

Radio V&A program (pdf)