People Like Us Guest On BBC Radio 3’s Late Junction

Tuesday 5 January 2016
Now that the archive has expired we’re making it available here so you can still hear it

As part of Radio 3’s New Year New Music, Max Reinhardt is joined in the studio by the experimental musician and multimedia artist Vicki Bennett aka People Like Us whose audio collage work involves the manipulation and reworking of sampled material. Presented by Max Reinhardt – Vicki will be on around 11.30pm. Late Junction – BBC Radio 3plu on late junction 5 jan

UbuWeb new addition: Blather (Pts 1-3)

Another 3 additions to People Like Us over at UbuWeb.  Many thanks Ubu!

Blather (2012)

Blather is a 3 part radio series made specially for Radio Boredcast, taking us on a journey through all the kinds of sounds that the mouth makes, whether that be for artistic, comedy, practical, mind-altering, religious or work reasons.

Radio Boredcast Blather Part 1
Radio Boredcast Blather Part 2
Radio Boredcast Blather Part 3

Full playlists for the above radio shows at
Radio Boredcast:


UbuWeb new addition: Cumulative Tails

INTERRUPTIONS #15. Cumulative Tails. 30.12.2013 (90′ 34”)
Courtesy of RadioWeb MACBA

Playlist [PDF]

Cumulative Tails is a pun upon the ‘cumulative tale’, where each part of a story relates to that which just preceded and followed it. This radio mix has been created using that process – a succession of audio tracks picked in conceptual relation only to that which was previously played. The mental connection could have been made by the title, lyric, melody, genre, atmosphere or something (usually) far more incongruous…

UbuWeb Link:

Cumulative Tails is a pun upon the ‘cumulative tale’, where each part of a story relates to that which just preceded and followed it. This radio mix has been created using that process – a succession of audio tracks picked in conceptual relation only to that which was previously played. The mental connection could have been made by the title, lyric, melody, genre, atmosphere or something (usually) far more incongruous…

While searching for material for my project Radio Boredcast (2012), I came across an episode of the KPFA radio show Ode to Gravity entitled ‘Segue Tech’. In the show the presenters choose each track they play in response to what the previous track reminds them of. ‘Segue Tech’ got me thinking about the creative process and how in my experience it’s rare that the idea arrives in advance, as an intact gift-wrapped and gleaming entity. More often, the “idea” is exposed through a series of connections made through the creative journey, as much emphasising the process as a particular destination or end product. Similarly as human beings, our knowledge and vocabulary first evolve through mimicry and then experimentation with varying of these repeated actions of mimicry. While discovering or just guessing a connection between something already known and something new or unknown we then go on to develop a vast ever-expanding web of cerebral connections, pinpointing all sorts of associations on a giant nonexistent map that may actually make no sense when looked at from a distance.

The word ‘Consequences’, has two definitions; it is the result of some previous action, and a game (aka ‘Exquisite Corpse’ by the Surrealists) in which a larger picture or narrative is created by way of assembling subject matter ‘blindly’ in relation to a small amount of information made visible before it as a continuation point. As a result, narrative/content can erratically or surprisingly, sometimes magically change over a short period of time or space, with every part still connected to what goes before or after it.

The subject of authenticity or the ‘original’ in relation to the ‘copy’ interests me as an artist working in the field of appropriation, collage and industrial folk culture. Nothing created as an object or product can be traced 100% to an origin –– everything is relative, literally – it has a mother and father. The identifying factors of an object are not central to it’s actual essence of being, and much like speed, dimensions, size, the terms are not fixed and are reliant upon the conditions of the person experiencing it, where they are and when, there is NO absolute, and this is reflected when very similar creative works occur at the same period by people who have no knowledge of each other’s works existence.

The game Consequences can be compared to the artistic process, whether that be the laying out of notes for a text, making a storyboard or the construction of a film narrative. Consequences is an index of possibilities and daydreams that in fact need no end outcome, it is all about the journey. When played as a ‘game’ it’s an entertaining way of finding out about one’s own memory, making visible the hidden patchwork quilt of an individual’s knowledge banks – hinting at how we make connections within ourselves and to each other all the time. We are able to visualise the scope for making tangents within the overall journey where every direction is permitted, and sometimes discover the limitations of our own hard circuitry (our memories). With internet search engines, forums and databases we are not limited to just our own recollection of a song or a text or a movie scene, we can search other peoples memory banks too through keyword searches – the whole of the internet is a massive thesaurus of unrealised new connections and potential creations.

Full video: Notations with M.C.Schmidt, Jason Willett & People Like Us

Here’s a full length video of possibly the best performance of Notations so far.
This time around by Jason Willett, People Like Us & M.C.Schmidt
at Monty Hall, WFMU – 13 September 2014
View the rehearsal to this same show here:

NOTATIONS live at WFMU with M.C.Schmidt, Jason Willett, People Like Us
Notations is a film by Vicki Bennett, created for performance by live improvisers
Thanks to High Zero and WFMU, filmed by Peter Knight and Ruth Hayduk (thank you!)
M.C.Schmidt Jason Willett

Andrew Sharpley – “Black Ships” on DO or DIY with People Like Us

Andrew Sharpley – “Black Ships” 
Monday 19 May 2014, 7pm
on DO or DIY with People Like Us

Listen online live at 7pm NY Time

This broadcast is a based on a series of translations and re-translations of a text in a not-very-good telephone translation app, going backwards and forwards between Japanese and Portuguese and at each stage rendering the result into english – kind of like Chinese Whispers, except not Chinese.  Whats starts out as a tongue twister over the course of 30 re-translations (25 of which are used in the broadcast) ends up as something that sounds like a deranged terrorist, manifesto, talking of bomb blasts and prophets and visas and pain and country.

These short texts, read by my daughter Lia, are set against a backdrop of shifting electronic patterns and acoustic piano that mutates gradually over time as the texts themselves do.

The title, Black Ships (in Japanese, 黒船, kurofune, Edo Period term) was the name given to Western ships arriving in Japan in the 16th and 19th centuries.

In 1543 Portuguese initiated the first contacts, establishing a trade route linking Goa to Nagasaki. The large ships engaged in this trade had the hull painted black with pitch, and the term came to represent all western vessels. A modern day equivalent for the surprise and confusion the presence of these ships caused, would perhaps be someone in a modern city apartment trying to go to sleep with 4 big black flying saucers hovering outside their window…

With a nod of recognition to the WFMU presenter and exponent of ‘ uncreative writing’ – of which this is an example – I am dedicating it to Mr Kenneth Goldsmith.

– Andrew Sharpley, 16 May, 2014.

Graham Duff on DO or DIY

Graham Duff presents Dreamhouse Girls
on DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU
Monday 17 March 2014 @7pm-8pm NY Time
(that’s 11pm on Monday evening UK at the moment because US have already changed to daylight savings time whereas many of us elsewhere haven’t!)

Listen & broadcasting at 91.1 fm New York, at 90.1 fm in Hudson Valley

Tonight’s live playlist is now set up:

Graham Duff, painted by Val Denham
Graham Duff, painted by Val Denham

Graham is an actor, producer and screenwriter.  He created the TV comedy shows ‘Ideal’, ’Dr. Terrible’s House of Horrible’ and ‘Hebburn’.  For radio he’s written the long running sci-fi sit-com ‘Nebulous’ and the comedy drama ‘Stereonation’.   As a script editor, he’s edited seven series of Radio 4’s Sony award winning ‘Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show’ as well as the recent Alan Partridge movie ‘Alpha Papa’.  He’s also a part time DJ and full time music obsessive.

WFMU Marathon 2014!


It’s that time of the year… WFMU Marathon!
23 February – 9 March 2014 at and on the radio at 91.1 fm in New York, at 90.1 fm in the Hudson Valley.
Listen to the mp3 stream | Listen as a Pop-up Stream

DO or DIY in the WFMU 2014 Fundraising Marathon

Many thanks to all who pledged to our radio show DO or DIY to help raise funds to keep our lovely WFMU radio station on the air. A lot of friends here like People Like Us and listen to our show, download our work and stream years of radio archives for free… and we would really appreciate hearing from you with a pledge (and you get prizes!) between now and Monday evening when we broadcast live on the air.  Please continue to pledge direct here – some great t-shirts, CDs and more in return for pledges of 15 dollars or more, and help WFMU reach our goal to keep the station running another year.

Monday 3 March 7-8pm NY Time – Vicki & co-host Tim Lacy
Playlist and comments created now at

Monday 24 February 7-8pm NY Time – Vicki & co-host Pseu Braun
The show playlist is active now:

We have been broadcasting DO or DIY with People Like Us since 2003, and unlike just about any other radio station in the world, you can listen to any and all of these shows, in good quality audio, on demand, forever. But “forever” is a funny word, isn’t it. Because it’s only through our collective effort that WFMU will continue to exist.  Yes, this amazing freeform station needs your support!

The station goal is to raise enough money to make it through another year – this will cover basic operating costs, maintenance of our webcasts and archives, further improvement of our mobile apps, interactive playlists, support for our alternate programming streams and the Free Music Archive. The important and special thing about WFMU is we are a FREE and INDEPENDENT station.

Supporting WFMU does not leave you coming away with “just” the station’s security either, oh no – there are PRIZES to be had!

DO or DIY presents Gwilly Edmondez Sings Chart Sweep
WFMU Marathon 2014 CD

Listeners of the show and the station will be very familiar with the Chart Sweep phenomenon, and that we had Gwilly Edmondez sing Chart Sweep specially for the show recently.  It went down so well that listeners requested this be our 2014 Marathon Premium.  And so be it!  Gwilly went back into the studio and recorded the whole thing for us.  And it can be yours too!

To pledge to our show on WFMU please go to the pledge widget on this page or follow this link:
If you do not follow this widget/link or pledge from elsewhere on the WFMU site may be pledging for another show, or whoever is on the air at the time.  So to ensure that you do pledge for our show then PLEDGE HERE or DO SO WHILE WE ARE ON THE AIR, and all will be fine.


Thank you for your support, and thank you WFMU for giving so much.


ERGO PHIZMIZ Shoots Peas on DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU
Monday 10 February 2014 @7pm-8pm NY Time (that’s midnight on Monday evening UK) Listen & broadcasting at 91.1 fm New York, at 90.1 fm in Hudson Valley


Ergo Phizmiz on WFMU

Ergo Phizmiz takes us on a magical mystery tour into the workings of the world of his Wild West dream odyssey “PEASHOOT“, which opens in August 2014 at Tête à Tête: The Opera Festival, London. Expect an artist’s notebook falling to pieces, 1920s English versions of Cowboy tunes, a yodelling extravaganza, Jodorowsky waltzing with Morricone, thunder, lightning, rain and Marlene Dietrich.


Ergo Phizmiz


GWILLY EDMONDEZ Sings Chart Sweep Part 1 and 2 
Monday 20 January 2014 @7pm-8pm NY Time (that’s midnight on Monday evening UK)
& broadcasting at 91.1 fm New York, at 90.1 fm in Hudson Valley
Update: Download it here:
Listeners to DO or DIY and WFMU will be familiar with the cut up of two decades of Number 1 hits “Chart Sweep” and also the noise blatherer Gwilly Edmondez.  Well now, oh joy, these two wonderful projects combine for one hour, and we bring you Gwilly singing Chart Sweep, in full on WFMU!

Gwilly Edmondez
performs solo and in small groups using voice, guitar, pocket samplers, turntables and dictaphones. Music is mostly made up on the spot and usually seeks to align itself with idiomatic contexts rather than avoiding them. Gwilly has spent a lot of time resisting coherence and continuity, to the point where a wilful anti-professionalism can be regarded as his music’s defining characteristic.

Chart Sweep

Playlists and archives for DO or DIY on WFMU