The final DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU of the season will be on Monday 4 September 2017, and as has been a little bit of a tradition we will accompany it with a “best of” album length download. Listen live at 6-7pm on WFMU and join in the live playlist and comments.
Early Radio Works Vol. I – New Cassette Release
We are very pleased to let you know that we have another release on the wonderful label Discrepant. Brave new old work by Vicki Bennett aka People Like Us. A journey into her early radio experiments with some dating back 20 years!
Vicki Bennett’s People Like Us began life as a three hour radio show on Brighton’s Festival Radio in 1990 called Gobstopper. She went on to release around 20 solo albums based on her radio sound collages, and after a decade working primarily with sound, has increasingly worked with film and images. She has recently produced collage and multi-screen, multi-speaker work, including 2013’s touring film and performance piece Notations, a film used as a score for improvising musicians, and Gone, Gone Beyond (2017++), a 10 screen, 8 speaker immersive cinema work for Recombinant Media Lab’s CineChamber.
Continue reading “Early Radio Works Vol. I – New Cassette Release”Exhibition of Prints in Los Angeles
People Like Us have a collection of prints currently exhibiting at Nabi in Los Angeles until the end of September 2017. This is a joint exhibition with Peter Knight, and you can purchase the prints and grab some excellent Korean food while you’re at it!
4632 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 16
Los Angeles, CA 90029
restaurantnabi AT
(323) 986-0107
Every Day Except Tuesday
11am – 7pm
Inside the Union Discount Swapmeet. Plenty of free parking off Santa Monica.
Metro: Vermont/Santa Monica stop

People Like Us perform at Brighton Digital Festival
Wednesday 20 September, 2017
Doors 8:00pm
Oliver Coates: 8.15pm People Like Us: 9:15pm
Adults £10 | Students £8 | On the Door £12
People Like Us will perform at The Attenborough Centre For The Creative Arts at the University in Falmer, Brighton as part of Brighton Digital Festival.
This audiovisual concert commemorates the 25th year of People Like Us publishing work, featuring highlighted excerpts from the previous four a/v performances of People Like Us.
DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU
Since Autumn 2003 People Like Us have been doing a weekly show on WFMU, called DO or DIY. The aim of the show is to mix highbrow with lowbrow to challenge whether there is much difference. Archived playlists of at least 200 shows from 2003 to the present day can be found at
Vicki Bennett also curated/programmed RADIO BOREDCAST in Winter 2011/Spring 2012. It was first broadcast on and now is archived at WFMU. More recently, Vicki Bennett has programmed OPTIMIZED!, a week-long expanded radio stream on WFMU 6-10 June 2016.
Subscribe to the Podcast of DO or DIY by clicking here – it will prompt your iTunes program to open, where you will receive the podcasts.
About DO or DIY
DO or DIY is a freeform sound art radio show broadcast weekly by Vicki Bennett (project name People Like Us) on WFMU.
The philosophy behind the show is simple. That within the realms of avant-garde and experimental sound art the goalposts defining “accessible” and “inaccessible” are constantly moving. As the radar rises and dips, fragments and shards of underground creations unearth, and popular culture and artist resonate, shifting shapes accordingly with one another in reflections of changing spotlights.
The avant-garde and popular culture rely on each other’s energy. People Like Us collage both “hard to listen” works and popular listening matter, showing that in fact, beyond the restrictions of genre, genre IS the restriction and it is possible to like many kinds of art and music. The key is finding the door – DO or DIY leads the way into new and unusual realms of listening and hope to show the way in.
Each show consists of collages made of sound works from the 20th and 21st century, often layered and looped many times over, resulting in an album type effect on each show.
The pun “All Things Avant-Retard”, a rhyme with “All Things Avant-Garde” literally means All Things Forward-Backwards. Essentially by using sonic extremes and apparent opposites we find some sort of central point or balanced perspective on music and sound.
Suggested Listening: DO or DIY fill in for Ken.
New Free WFMU iPhone/iPod Touch app!
Also, if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch we are also pleased to announce that you can listen to not only the regular WFMU stream on the move at a glorious 128k, but also all of our special streams, recent DJ show archives and DJ podcasts including all of DO or DIY!
You can download the much improved updated free WFMU app right here.