Abject Mirror by Porest (Mark Gergis) (January 2019)
Media link: https://porest.bandcamp.com/album/abject-mirror-2
Porest is dragged through an inconvenient network of paranormal subterfuge after exposing something significant that may have happened 33 days from now.
Audio-drama with advertisements and musical accompaniment.
Porest, etc: Mark Gergis
Dr. Lumen / Mr. Fleckt, etc: Jake Rodriguez
Acoustic guitar on THROUGH YOU: Robert Millis
Recorded and produced by Porest until 2019
Thank you: Vicki Bennett
Published by Porestsound – 2019
(Porestsound 010-DI)
The Mirror by Hearty White (January 2019)
Media link: https://peoplelikeus-vickibennett.bandcamp.com/track/the-mirror-2
^^^^^^ (Please note, this is a piece of new work entirely created by Hearty White, and the link embed above lists it as People Like Us purely because it’s on our bandcamp page)
Bio: Hearty White lives and doesn’t work in Lexington, KY, birthplace of Richard Hell. His radio non-career spans decades. He loves you in theory. Listen to Hearty White’s WFMU radio show:
More info on The Mirror by People Like Us and these artist commissions: