People Like Us in Athens

Shadow Libraries: UbuWeb in Athens

16-18 MARCH 2018

Inside & Outside the OCC

What is UbuWeb? Is an archive capable to propose a different sort of art history? 3 days of talks and workshops in order to explore this and other shadow libraries.

People Like Us will be part of an UbuWeb conference in Athens later this month.  It will include artist talks and group discussions, workshops and a WORLD PREMIERE of a work in progress version of our new single screen a/v performance The Mirror.  Yes, we’ve not quite finished it yet (!) but this is too good a platform to not use since UbuWeb is our internet home.  Tickets for The Mirror:

More info on the conference and how to attend here:
People Like Us will be doing an artist presentation, a workshop about process, and a performance.  All info is at the above url.

Saturday 17th March – Talk
As part of EMST Symposium: Shadow Libraries
18:00-21:00 National Museum of Contemporary Art 

Most creative work only becomes visible to the audience once it is finished and published. It is rare that one gets to experience the journey that a creator undertakes while making work. It almost seems to be a secret, prohibited to be exposing production methods. But how can we learn without access to these methods? Vicki will reflect upon 25 years of creating audiovisual media, sharing information and insights on how she edits and outputs large scale works using preexisting material.
Sunday 18th March – Workshop: Exquisite Corpse
15:00-18:00 Exhibition Hall, Onassis Cultural Center
The game ‘Exquisite Corpse’ (also known as ‘Consequences’) is related to the creative process, whether that be the laying out of notes for a text, making a storyboard or the construction of a film narrative. It is an index of possibilities and daydreams that in fact need no end outcome, it is all about the journey. When played as a ‘game’ it’s an entertaining way of finding out about one’s own memory, making visible the hidden patchwork quilt of an individual’s knowledge banks – hinting at how we make connections within ourselves and to each other all the time. We are able to visualise the scope for making tangents within the overall journey where every direction is permitted, and sometimes discover the limitations of our own hard circuitry (our memories). With internet search engines, forums and databases we are not limited to just our own recollection of a song or a text or a movie scene, we can search other peoples memory banks too through keyword searches – the whole of the internet is a massive thesaurus of unrealised new connections and potential creations.
This is not a results-driven workshop, more a discussion on how to use process to release the potential beyond our own habitual thinking.
Sunday 18th March – A/V Performance: The Mirror
22:00 At The National Film Archive
Greek Film Archive Foundation (48, Iera Odos & 134-136 Megalou Alexandrou Str.)
Free admission – The distribution of entrance tickets begins one hour before the event.