Here’s a new version of our film for improvisers “Notations“, this time around performed by Blectum from Blechdom:
POREST Reflects Upon The Mirror
Above is the trailer for the second of our 3 artist commissions made in response to The Mirror. The first was by Dina Kelberman, and now we’re presenting you this 50-minute new audio piece by POREST (Mark Gergis).
Available January 7, 2019 (free download)
Porest is dragged through an inconvenient network of paranormal subterfuge after exposing something significant that may have happened 33 days from now.
Audio-drama with advertisements and musical accompaniment.
Porest, etc: Mark Gergis
Dr. Lumen / Mr. Fleckt, etc: Jake Rodriguez
Acoustic guitar on THROUGH YOU: Robert Millis
Recorded and produced by Porest until 2019
Thank you: Vicki Bennett
Published by Porestsound – 2019
(Porestsound 010-DI)

25 Years of Us 100 Tracks
To coincide with a few concerts that we’ve been doing lately, we’ve put some “Retrospective” mp3s up on bandcamp from the first 25 years of People Like Us. You can download it here or click below.
This is a 100 track compilation, over 6 hours duration, representing some of our favourite tracks and collaborations over radio, on stage and in the studio from 1991, which was when we released our first album. Each track has a different flavour, from a different time, another place, and often associated with a different recording medium or varying groups of individuals who inspired or actually took part.
Thank you friends, listeners and collaborators for being around, and for all those who inspired and supported the journey so far. Making this available at a Nice Price considering the ridiculous volume of content, and as is the case for much of People Like Us, you can quite possibly find a lot of this in various forms elsewhere on the internet for free, either put there by us, or others. But if you’d like to support us, then we thank you and welcome that. It will help make more happen.
Bandcamp requires that we upload in lossless form, and we will be honest and say that a lot of this only exists as mp3, but really…. most of what we sampled was also initially in mp3 form.
NEW People Like Us CD! The Mirror
Cutting Hedge SNIP002 (available initially mailorder only from us)

This album contains all new audio work, sourced from both our live a/v performance The Mirror [2018], and also from Gone, Gone Beyond [2017+], our ongoing 360 surround cinema work. It also contains additional tracks composed during the creation of these pieces that never were used.
We are joined on two tracks by Ergo Phizmiz, and the packaging has artwork from the above works and also specially made for the CD. Two collages are made in collaboration with other artists Peter Knight and Hearty White. The CD was mastered by Mark Gergis.
NEW People Like Us album – CITATION CITY OST
Yes! A NEW PEOPLE LIKE US ALBUM! The never before released soundtrack to the People Like Us live a/v performance (and now stand alone film) Citation City.
Buy it here now on bandcamp:
People Like Us has a Bandcamp page
We now have a Bandcamp page, where you can purchase selected old releases in digital form. We make our best effort to put a lot of our stuff online for free but here you can get it in higher quality for a cheap price, and help offset our costs so we can make more work.
We’ve been inspired by the range and vastness of DIY music that has been put onto this platform. The most important thing is networking and access to networks and information.
BBC Radio 3 The Verb People Like Us interview
People Like Us will be on BBC Radio 3’s The Verb on Friday 8 December 2017 talking about scrolling culture (and google minds!) in relation to the creative process and The Fundamental Questions book, playing a specially made 3 minute group reading made from this.
Here’s the piece that we made : I Am A Poet (from The Fundamental Questions)
Group reading features:
Jaap Blonk, Dylan Nyoukis, Leo Chadburn, Mark Gergis, Chris T, Bryce Kretschmann, Medaya Ocher, John Aage Nilsen, Abbie Minard, Colleen Lindsay, Simon Faulkner, Scott Williams, Falco Carey, Hearty White, Kurt Gottshalk, Rebecca Schnell, Roslyn Sargeant, Michael Newman, Steven Ball, Cecilia Hae-Jin Lee, Nancy Novotny, MC Schmidt, Adrian Testcard, The Weatherman, Annabel McCourt, HK Kahng, Austin Rich, Tim Maloney, Matthew Curry, Drew Daniel, Alma, Silas and Peter Jaeger, Casper Carey, Paul Abbott, Tom Comitta, Will Edmondes, Catherine Backhouse, Krys O, Elkka Nyoukis, Miller Sargeant, Jhh Löwengard, Mike Lupica, Dan Solenoid, Greg Scharpen, Nick The Bard, Jon Leidecker, Ranjit Bhatnagar, Brancois Bonnet, Andie Brown, Ada Graham-Löwengard, Duncan Harrison, Gregor Weichbrodt and Vicki Bennett.
Interview on KALX
People Like Us (Vicki) and Wobbly (Jon Leidecker) paid an impromptu visit to KALX in Berkeley on 3 October 2017 to go on Carnacki‘s radio show. Here is the 3 hour conversation about Recombinant Festival, immersive media, collaborations, radio and vaporwave.
Final DO or DIY for Summer 2017 on WFMU
The final DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU of the season will be on Monday 4 September 2017, and as has been a little bit of a tradition we will accompany it with a “best of” album length download. Listen live at 6-7pm on WFMU and join in the live playlist and comments.
DO or DIY with People Like Us on WFMU
Since Autumn 2003 People Like Us have been doing a weekly show on WFMU, called DO or DIY. The aim of the show is to mix highbrow with lowbrow to challenge whether there is much difference. Archived playlists of at least 200 shows from 2003 to the present day can be found at
Vicki Bennett also curated/programmed RADIO BOREDCAST in Winter 2011/Spring 2012. It was first broadcast on and now is archived at WFMU. More recently, Vicki Bennett has programmed OPTIMIZED!, a week-long expanded radio stream on WFMU 6-10 June 2016.
Subscribe to the Podcast of DO or DIY by clicking here – it will prompt your iTunes program to open, where you will receive the podcasts.
About DO or DIY
DO or DIY is a freeform sound art radio show broadcast weekly by Vicki Bennett (project name People Like Us) on WFMU.
The philosophy behind the show is simple. That within the realms of avant-garde and experimental sound art the goalposts defining “accessible” and “inaccessible” are constantly moving. As the radar rises and dips, fragments and shards of underground creations unearth, and popular culture and artist resonate, shifting shapes accordingly with one another in reflections of changing spotlights.
The avant-garde and popular culture rely on each other’s energy. People Like Us collage both “hard to listen” works and popular listening matter, showing that in fact, beyond the restrictions of genre, genre IS the restriction and it is possible to like many kinds of art and music. The key is finding the door – DO or DIY leads the way into new and unusual realms of listening and hope to show the way in.
Each show consists of collages made of sound works from the 20th and 21st century, often layered and looped many times over, resulting in an album type effect on each show.
The pun “All Things Avant-Retard”, a rhyme with “All Things Avant-Garde” literally means All Things Forward-Backwards. Essentially by using sonic extremes and apparent opposites we find some sort of central point or balanced perspective on music and sound.
Suggested Listening: DO or DIY fill in for Ken.
New Free WFMU iPhone/iPod Touch app!
Also, if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch we are also pleased to announce that you can listen to not only the regular WFMU stream on the move at a glorious 128k, but also all of our special streams, recent DJ show archives and DJ podcasts including all of DO or DIY!
You can download the much improved updated free WFMU app right here.
Final DO or DIY of the 2016 Season & Free Download!

From the final DO or DIY with People Like Us of the 2016 season on WFMU, keeping with a tradition we’ve been doing a “Best Of” show, here’s a release version of a megamix (minus mic breaks!) called MEDDLE MIX, downloadable from the bandcamp:
Music For The Fire by People Like Us & Wobbly
Music For The Fire [2010]
The fruit of many years of work, this album began as People Like Us & Wobbly collected and collaged their way through various depictions of misfired communications and heartbreak sourced from popular culture for a series of live improvisations. Music For The Fire is a plunderphonic concept album depicting the lifespan of a relationship, as told through samples of hundreds of different songs and voices who had no idea they were all telling the same story until they were all spliced together. Originally released on CD on Illegal Art. Thanks to UbuWeb for hosting this.