“Don’t Think Right, It’s All Twice” by People Like Us
Release date: 31 October 2013 (preorder 7 October)
Cutting Hedge SNIP001 (available initially mailorder only from us)

It’s always felt important that my work be a total experience, not singularly appealing to either the eye or ear, for it to be as integrated an experience as possible. The music on this album was composed between 2006 and 2013 initially for five different live performances of moving image and sound. Since publishing formats have developed in recent years we’ve found the internet serves us really well as a distribution tool in the gift economy. One can find the accompanying visual elements of some of this music at ubu.com/film/plu.html. However, as well as the eye and ear is the sense of touch, and there is nothing like holding the object as well! — Vicki Bennett
Performances sources:
Lyrics in Libraries (2006) | Genre Collage (2009) | People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz Live at Cafe Oto (2009) | The Magical Misery Tour (2011) | Consequences (One Thing Leads To Another) (2013)
We are dedicated to providing as much as possible for free or as cheaply as possible and strong encourage others to invest in the gift economy. We realise this is a couple more dollars than we’re usually charging but we are financing this ourselves and need to recoup costs. It is unlikely we will profit from this but we do need to make ends meet! We hope you understand, and continue to appreciate how much we continue to also give much for free 🙂

Video trailers from three of the live performances: