Free Money | Eve of Sunshine
Limited Edition 100 copies (no digital-only downloads, but digital download comes with vinyl purchase)
Heaven’s Lathe HL14
Release date | 01/07/2022 6pm
BUY HERE https://music.heavenslathe.co.uk/album/free-sunshine
and HERE https://peoplelikeus-vickibennett.bandcamp.com/album/free-sunshine-on-heavens-lathe
People Like Us are releasing a single on Graham Duff’s label Heaven’s Lathe. Heaven’s Lathe is dedicated to bringing out the highest quality lathe cut seven inch singles, featuring both influential artists and emerging performers in a sweep of genres. From June 2021, Heaven’s Lathe will be releasing a new limited edition single each month. Each release is a strictly limited to an edition of 100. All singles are lathe cut on either black or transparent vinyl. Heaven’s Lathe artists are curated by writer, broadcaster and DJ Graham Duff. All lathe cutting and engineering by Michael Lawrence (Bladud Flies!). Designed by Lauren Winton (Bladud Flies!). limited edition – order it here: