Offline : DO or DIY Goes Analogue!

Offline : DO or DIY Goes Analogue!
DO or DIY, Wednesday 12th October 2011
8pm – 9pm on WFMU 91.1 fm 90.1 fm and

That’s correct! Did you know that since 2003 DO or DIY has never played a record OR a CD? It’s all just files, files, files. So in preparation for Singles Going Steady Week on WFMU (Oct 24-30), we’ve been crawling around under the bed and finding our old vinyl. And here’s what we found in our home LP collection. No WFMU Record Library, no online blogs, just what we found, er, under the bed, and some reflections on how different it is to do a show without the aid of the World Wide Web.

Don’t forget that October is WFMU online-only fundraising month, so it’s ironic that this is when we decided to go analogue! Tune in… and please pledge. Thank you if you have already!

Graham Duff on DO or DIY

Wednesday October 5th 2011, 8pm-9pm (NY time) on DO or DIY
Graham Duff

On this week’s DO or DIY Graham Duff presents a musical blend of off kilter sounds.
Graham Duff is a writer, actor and producer. He created and wrote all fifty three episodes of the BBC TV comedy drama Ideal starring Johnny Vegas. Other TV work includes co-writing Doctor Terrible’s House of Horrible, a series of Hammer horror homages with Steve Coogan. For BBC Radio 4, he’s written and appeared in three series of the sci-fi sit-com Nebulous starring Mark Gatiss, script edited seven series of Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show and starred in his own show Stereonation. He’s also appeared in the Harry Potter films and written articles for The Guardian and Wire Magazine. Outside the world of TV and radio, Graham has collaborated with Mark E. Smith, Wire’s Colin Newman and ‘art terrorist’ Stewart Home.

Playlists and archives will be available for the show shortly after it is broadcast at DO or DIY with People Like Us

DO or DIY with People Like Us is also available as a podcast.
For more info on how to have the MP3 archives of DO or DIY with People Like Us delivered automatically to your computer and/or MP3 player, visit our Podcast Central page.

Graham Duff

Carl Stone on DO or DIY

Wednesday, September 14th 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time) on DO or DIY
Carl Stone

Carl Stone is checking in from his summertime perch in Umbria. Stone was born in Los Angeles and now divides his time between California and Japan. He studied composition at the California Institute of the Arts with Morton Subotnick and James Tenney and has composed electro-acoustic music almost exclusively since 1972. His works have been performed in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the Near East. In addition to his schedule of performance, composition and touring, he is on the faculty of the Information Media Technology Department, School of Information Science and Technology at Chukyo University in Japan.

JG Thirlwell on DO or DIY

Wednesday, August 31st 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time) on DO or DIY
JG Thirlwell

In this week’s DO or DIY JG Thirlwell will be doing a mix for the show.
JG Thirlwell is a composer/producer/performer based in Brooklyn NY. After working with experimental group Nurse With Wound, Thirlwell started making his own records in 1980, initially releasing them on his own  “Self Immolation” label. In recent years, with commissions for Kronos Quartet, Bang On A Can, and his occasional eighteen piece ensemble, he has been increasingly interested electronically and sample generated music being re-scored for traditional instrumentation – played both conventionally and not (recent examples include performing with a chamber ensemble version of Manorexia). In addition, Thirlwell scores “The Venture Brothers”, a hit cartoon show on Adult Swim/Cartoon Network. His project Manorexia will be playing Oct 2 at ATP’s I’ll be your Mirror in Asbury Park NJ with Portishead,  and at the BAM cafe (free!) in Brooklyn on Nov 18.

Osymyso on DO or DIY

Wednesday, August 24th 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time) on DO or DIY

Falling Out Of Cars Mix by Osymyso

“This is a themed mix about cars, driving, motorways, traffic and all that stuff. It was originally an hour long and used in an installation that showed bits road movies on a loop and as a consequence I don’t think anyone other than myself ever heard it all the way through. So I thought I’d chop it up, add some new bits and hey presto a 20 minute session for DO or DIY.

As ever I struggle with a biog. I’ve got nothing to say, nothing’s really happened of late. No albums or performances to speak of. I’ve mostly been doing things for other people, sound design and all that. I have got some new things nearing completion but no knowledge of how and when they’ll get released. I’m your typical “struggling artist” trying to make ends meet. As I said this time last year I find talking about myself embarrassing because to describe who I am I have to reference work I did over a decade ago and I feel like a sad old failed artist talking about past glories, a bit like Creme Brulee. I need something new and exciting finished that I’m proud of, then I’ll be prepared to blow my own trumpet. For now I just feel like a bit of an idiot.” – Mark, Osymyso

Irene Moon on DO or DIY

Wednesday 17th August 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time) on DO or DIY with People Like Us
Irene Moon

Irene Moon and the Auk Theater love drama, insects, crime, and examinations. All of these elements make great theater and all occurred at Princess Anne High School documented in the record yearbook created to archive the 1963-1964 school year. Irene found the record in a thrift store in early 2011, but had no idea the demon she uncovered! Of course, these elements could only be discovered in the recording by reading between the lines, backmasking, and interviewing people who know a lot about many things. The new historical drama is filled with music from Nine Fingered Thug, Juules Trakker, Yellow Tears, Secret Boyfriend, Kites, Kevin Blechdom, and, naturally, Lawrence Welk. 
Irene Moon is an entomologist at North Carolina State University who participates in music and theater. She has the duel focus to advance appreciation of art in the halls of science; as a means of connecting the public to entomology and increasing awareness of the art and creativity intrinsic to the scientific process.
Find out more information about Irene Moon, Auk Theater and the Begonia Society at

Jennifer Walshe on DO or DIY

Wednesday, August 10th 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time)
Jennifer Walshe

On this week’s DO or DIY it’s the turn of Jennifer Walshe to make a DJ mix for the show.
“The most original compositional voice to emerge from Ireland in the past 20 years” (The Irish Times) and “Wild girl of Darmstadt” (Frankfurter Rundschau), composer and performer Jennifer Walshe was born in Dublin, Ireland. Her music has been commissioned, broadcast and performed all over the world. She has been the recipient of fellowships and prizes from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, New York; the DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm, the Internationales Musikinstitut, Darmstadt and Akademie Schloss Solitude among others. Walshe has written a large number of operas and theatrical works, including “XXX_LIVE_NUDE_GIRLS!!!” an opera for Barbie dolls, available on DVD from Mere Records.

Daniel Menche on DO or DIY

Wednesday, August 3rd 2011, 8pm – 9pm (NY time): Daniel Menche
Daniel Menche presents “Acapocalypse,” a 30 minute DJ mix of his hand-picked favorite vocal noise/singing/babbling/chanting songs. A full spectrum of the downright dumbest to the most beautiful voices brought to you from Portland Oregon’s sound abuser: Daniel Menche. A lifetime supporter to the DO or DIY experience and someone who you likely would not expect to be a huge fan of Bronski Beat and Misfits. Who wudda thunk!

Alex Drool and Zohar “NicoTeen” Shafir on DO or DIY

Wednesday 27th July 2011 on DO or DIY with People Like Us
Alex Drool and Zohar “NicoTeen” Shafir

Alex Drool is an improviser percussionist-vocalist, and in the past decade he has established himself as one of the pivotal figures surrounding Israel’s flourishing experimental scene. He has collaborated live w/ Blood Stereo, Adam Bohman, Fritz Welch & many others. He also co-curates Primate Arena – a platform promoting out muzak in Israel alongside Eran Sachs.

Zohar “NicoTeen” Shafir is a musician and performer based in Tel Aviv. In recent years she has been performing extensively in key experimental music events in Israel and abroad. With several beautiful independent EPs released, she creates charming catchy tunes using toy synthesizers, vocal harmonies and lo-fi recording methods. She is also part of the enigmatic duo Cassexxe Vibrato.

Gwilly Edmondez on DO or DIY

Wednesday 20th July 2011 on DO or DIY with People Like Us
Gwilly Edmondez

This special mix for DO or DIY features new material from Gwilly, which continues to pursue a reckless collision of live vocals and collage improvised wherever and whenever, alongside other stuff from Felt Beak posts and recent and forthcoming Kakutopia releases.
Gwilly Edmondez is one of four artists in one person he shares with Gustav Thomas, Virginia Pipe and Copydex. He performs and records solo, as well as in Falco Subbuteo (with Val Persona) and occasionally with Sound of Aircraft Attacking Britain and Radioactive Sparrow (of which he was a founder member in 1980). Gwilly comes from Bridgend in South Wales and is now based in the Northeast of England. His most recent adventure has been the anarcho-thon Felt Beak, a profligate praxis bulletin that courts the flagrantly prolific. He gave up smoking in the 90s.

Wobbly on DO or DIY

Wednesday 13th July 2011 on DO or DIY with People Like Us

On this week’s DO or DIY, it’s the turn of Jon Leidecker aka Wobbly to do a 25 minute guest DJ mix.

Since 1990 Jon Leidecker has performed appropriative collage music under the psuedonym Wobbly, aiming for extended narratives spun from spontaneous yet coherent multi-sample polyphony. This Variations podcast series at Radio Web MACBA Jon Leidecker reconstructs the history of sound appropriationism by looking at examples from 20th century composition, popular art and commercial media, and the convergence of all these trends today.

Brian Joseph Davis on DO or DIY

Brian Joseph Davis on DO or DIY with People Like Us
Wednesday 6th July 2011

On this edition of DO or DIY Brian does a guest mix “30 Shortest Tracks in my iTunes” and gives some exclusive tracks to play.

Davis worked at Blocks Recording Club for several years, then lived in the Mojave desert in 2010 where he experienced perfect, terrifying silence. Mornings included the grilling of hotdogs and deadpan announcements of “und meine Ohren sind Wunden.” Since that time he’s settled in Brooklyn and concentrated on text and writing. Recent works include adapting 300 pages of The Pentagon Papers into Star Wars fan fiction, publishing a short story collection, and running the literary magazine Joyland.
Playlists and archives for DO or DIY with People Like Us