OPTIMIZED! Expanded Radio Stream on WFMU 6-10 June 2016, Noon-3pm (EST)
Playlists & archives: http://wfmu.org/playlists/UP
Documentation: https://peoplelikeus.org/2016/optimized-wfmu/
From 6-10 June 2016 Vicki Bennett and John Kilduff were Artists in Residence at freeform radio station WFMU in Jersey City, NJ, USA.
NEW! Documentation Video:
This residency consisted of “Optimized!” – a week-long online a/v radio station which experimented with ideas of what radio might be in the world of high speed internet broadcasting.
The content included 26 new a/v artist commissions selected and programmed by Vicki Bennett, where people were invited to respond to the word “optimized”, John Kilduff’s live “Let’s Paint TV” daily video show which combines, painting, cooking and exercise, and an evening at the station with an in-house studio audience.
John Kilduff and Vicki Bennett Artist Residency – Expanded Radio at WFMU

Noon-2pm: 10 hours of new/exclusive recordings, radio & video by 26 participants. Programmed by Vicki Bennett / People Like Us
2pm-3pm: Daily video shows live from WFMU’s Monty Hall by John Kilduff / Let’s Paint TV – Mr Let’s Paint will take your calls! skype: letspaintwfmu
3pm-5pm: repeat of noon-2pm schedule
9 June 2016: A live expanded radio event at Monty Hall with Let’s Paint TV & People Like Us / DIFM (Do It For Me) with Pseu Braun
Pseu Braun DIFM (Do It For Me) at Monty Hall
OPTIMIZED! features specially created audio, radio shows, animated gifs and video from: Andrew Sharpley, Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan, Brian J Davis, Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie, Buttress O’Kneel, Carlo Patrão, Dan Deacon, Daniel Menche, DIFM (Do It For Me) with Pseu Braun, Dina Kelberman, DO or DIY with People Like Us, Drew Daniel, DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz), Gwilly Edmondez, Heather Phillipson, Irene Moon, Jason Willett & MC Schmidt, Jem Finer, Jim Price, John Kilduff / Let’s Paint TV, Ken Freedman, Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White, Nick the Bard, Osymyso, People Like Us, Peter Knight, Porest, Steinski, The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon, Tim Maloney, Wreck This Mess with Bart Plantenga. http://wfmu.org/playlists/UP
MONDAY 6 JUNE : Playlist – http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66351
12.00pm DO or DIY with People Like Us Introduction
12.28pm Carlo Patrão Nothing On This Side
12.58pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) Vogue Optimised for Advertising
1.05pm Drew Daniel Extreme Music DJ Set
1.35pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) The Manchurian Candidate Optimised for Plot
1.42pm Daniel Menche Arrow vs the World
1.58pm Jim Price Jim’s Debut Show
2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV – Live from Monty Hall
3pm-5pm repeat of noon-2pm schedule
TUESDAY 7 JUNE : Playlist – http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66362
12.00pm Jim Price Taking Calls
12:02pm Porest The Parallel Broadcasts (Optimized for WFMU)
12.20pm Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan Optimistic Women Live Longer, Healthier Lives Than Their Pessimistic Peers
12:50pm Steinski The Optimize Gospels, from The Book of Maximization
1.05pm Brian J Davis The Trial of Richard Prince
1.20pm Irene Moon Champagne Music
1.50pm Heather Phillipson Commiserations!
2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV Live from Monty Hall
3pm-5pm repeat of noon-2pm schedule
WEDNESDAY 8 JUNE : Playlist – http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66364
9am (on both FM radio & video stream) Ken Freedman Live animated gif show
12.00pm Jim Price Let’s Talk Coins
12.02pm People Like Us All On A Beautiful
12:25pm Tim Maloney Optimised
12.40pm Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie The Better Living Show
1.10pm Jim Price The Poetry Pond
1.12pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) Watership Down Optimised for Flora and Fauna
1.30pm Gwilly Edmondez Cramped Ambitions (Optimised for Tents)
1.45pm Dan Deacon Optimized
2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV Live from Monty Hall
3pm-5pm repeat of noon-2pm schedule
THURSDAY 9 JUNE : Playlist – http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66365
12:00pm Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White A Thought Experiment
12.30pm Jason Willett and MC Schmidt Optimism Show
1.00pm Buttress O’Kneel Optimise or Die!
1.15pm Osymyso Sadtimism
1.30pm Nick the Bard Optimized
2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV Live from Monty Hall
3pm-5pm repeat of noon-2pm schedule
8pm: a live expanded radio event at Monty Hall with in-house audience: with
Let’s Paint TV & People Like Us / DIFM (Do It For Me) with Pseu Braun
FRIDAY 10 JUNE : Playlist – http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66367
12.00pm The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon At Union Square, Manhattan
12.35pm Jim Price Ticket Giveaway
12.37pm Wreck This Mess with Bart Plantenga Extyo (Extreme Yodel)
1.05pm Andrew Sharpley 1) Easy pickings for the cultural magpie from the dustbin of contemporary culture? or 2) A leisurely stroll optimism-spotting on the over-crowded boulevards of celebrity? or 3) A whistlestop tour down the backstreets of google, negotiating sharp corners requiring abrupt shifts of mental gear on a semi-functioning clutch? You decide.
1.35pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) Morton Feldman Optimized for Time 1 & 2 / Morton Feldman Optimized For Time – The King of Denmark
1.45pm Jem Finer Shortplayer #3 (4VB)
1.59pm Jim Price I’m On The Air
2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV Live from Monty Hall
3pm-5pm repeat of noon-2pm schedule

All shows will be accompanied by a live playlist with artist/show info, images and links, and live comments. Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”. a series of animated GIFs depicting “optimism” using found images of water situations which will run through the week, except for: John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV, Heather Phillipson, Ken Freedman and The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon, which have their own video content.
Made possible by WFMU and The National Endowment for the Arts